Selected Publications

Jussi Keppo, A. Max Reppen, H. Mete Soner
We propose a model in which dividend payments occur at regular, deterministic intervals in an otherwise continuous model. This contrasts traditional models where either the payment of continuous dividends is controlled or the dynamics are given by discrete time processes. Moreover, between two dividend payments, the structure allows for…
Partly supported by the ETH Foundation, the Swiss Finance Institute, and Swiss National Foundation grant SNF 200020_172815.
Mathematics of Operations Research
Jussi Keppo, A. Max Reppen, H. Mete Soner
We propose a model in which dividend payments occur at regular, deterministic intervals in an otherwise continuous model. This contrasts traditional models where either the payment of continuous dividends is controlled or the dynamics are given by discrete time processes. Moreover, between two dividend payments, the structure allows for…
Mathematics of Operations Research
Partly supported by the ETH Foundation, the Swiss Finance Institute, and Swiss National Foundation grant SNF 200020_172815.
Jussi Keppo, Tyler Shumway, Daniel Weagley
We document significant persistence in the market timing performance of active individual investors, suggesting that some investors are skilled at timing. Using data on all trades by active Finnish individual investors over almost 15 years, we also show that the net purchases of skilled versus unskilled investors predict monthly…
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies
Jussi Keppo, Tyler Shumway, Daniel Weagley
We document significant persistence in the market timing performance of active individual investors, suggesting that some investors are skilled at timing. Using data on all trades by active Finnish individual investors over almost 15 years, we also show that the net purchases of skilled versus unskilled investors predict monthly…
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies
Sumit Agarwal, Ben Charoenwong, Shih-Fen Cheng, Jussi Keppo
We study the role of ride-hailing surge factors on the allocative efficiency of taxis by combining a reduced-form estimation with structural analyses using machine-learning-based demand predictions. Where other research study the effect of entry on incumbent taxis, we use higher frequency granular data to study how location-time-specific surge factors…
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Sumit Agarwal, Ben Charoenwong, Shih-Fen Cheng, Jussi Keppo
We study the role of ride-hailing surge factors on the allocative efficiency of taxis by combining a reduced-form estimation with structural analyses using machine-learning-based demand predictions. Where other research study the effect of entry on incumbent taxis, we use higher frequency granular data to study how location-time-specific surge factors…
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
Jussi Keppo, Michael Jong Kim, Xinyuan Zhang Sauder
We study optimal manipulation of a Bayesian learner through adaptive provisioning of information. The problem is motivated by settings in which a firm can disseminate possibly biased information at a cost, to influence the public’s belief about a hidden parameter related to the firm’s payoffs. For example, firms advertise…
Operations research
Jussi Keppo, Michael Jong Kim, Xinyuan Zhang Sauder
We study optimal manipulation of a Bayesian learner through adaptive provisioning of information. The problem is motivated by settings in which a firm can disseminate possibly biased information at a cost, to influence the public’s belief about a hidden parameter related to the firm’s payoffs. For example, firms advertise…
Operations research
Yanwei Jia, Jussi Keppo, Ville Satopää
Decision makers often ask experts to forecast a future state. Experts, however, can be biased. In the economics and psychology literature, one extensively studied behavioral bias is called herding. Under strong levels of herding, disclosure of public information may lower forecasting accuracy. This result, however, has been derived only…
Management Science
Yanwei Jia, Jussi Keppo, Ville Satopää
Decision makers often ask experts to forecast a future state. Experts, however, can be biased. In the economics and psychology literature, one extensively studied behavioral bias is called herding. Under strong levels of herding, disclosure of public information may lower forecasting accuracy. This result, however, has been derived only…
Management Science
Ning Wang, Bo Jin, Zizhen Zhang, Andrew Lim
This paper addresses the container pre-marshalling problem (CPMP) which rearranges containers inside a storage bay to a desired layout. By far, target-driven algorithms have relatively good performance among all algorithms; they have two key components: first, containers are rearranged to their desired slots one by one in a certain…
European Journal of Operational Research
Ning Wang, Bo Jin, Zizhen Zhang, Andrew Lim
This paper addresses the container pre-marshalling problem (CPMP) which rearranges containers inside a storage bay to a desired layout. By far, target-driven algorithms have relatively good performance among all algorithms; they have two key components: first, containers are rearranged to their desired slots one by one in a certain…
European Journal of Operational Research
Hu Qin, Zizhen Zhang, Andrew Lim, Xiaocong Liang
The talent scheduling problem is a simplified version of the real-world film shooting problem, which aims to determine a shooting sequence so as to minimize the total cost of the actors involved. In this article, we first formulate the problem as an integer linear programming model. Next, we devise…
European Journal of Operational Research
Hu Qin, Zizhen Zhang, Andrew Lim, Xiaocong Liang
The talent scheduling problem is a simplified version of the real-world film shooting problem, which aims to determine a shooting sequence so as to minimize the total cost of the actors involved. In this article, we first formulate the problem as an integer linear programming model. Next, we devise…
European Journal of Operational Research
Qian Hu, Zhenzhen Zhang, Andrew Lim
In this work, we investigate transit time in transportation service procurement, which is conducted by shippers using auctions to purchase transportation service from carriers in the planning stage. Besides cost, we find that many shippers are most concerned with transit time in practice; shorter transit time indicates better transportation…
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Qian Hu, Zhenzhen Zhang, Andrew Lim
In this work, we investigate transit time in transportation service procurement, which is conducted by shippers using auctions to purchase transportation service from carriers in the planning stage. Besides cost, we find that many shippers are most concerned with transit time in practice; shorter transit time indicates better transportation…
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, Wenbin Zhu, Andrew Lim
In this article, we propose a branch‐and‐price‐and‐cut (BPC) algorithm to exactly solve the manpower routing problem with synchronization constraints (MRPSC). Compared with the classical vehicle routing problems (VRPs), the defining characteristic of the MRPSC is that multiple workers are required to work together and start at the same time…
Naval Research Logistics
Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, Wenbin Zhu, Andrew Lim
In this article, we propose a branch‐and‐price‐and‐cut (BPC) algorithm to exactly solve the manpower routing problem with synchronization constraints (MRPSC). Compared with the classical vehicle routing problems (VRPs), the defining characteristic of the MRPSC is that multiple workers are required to work together and start at the same time…
Naval Research Logistics
Wenbin Zhu, Zhixing Luo, Andrew Lim, Wee-Chong Oon
The box placement problem involves finding a location to place a rectangular box into a container given n rectangular boxes that have already been placed. It commonly arises as a subproblem in many algorithms for cutting stock problems as well as 2D/3D packing problems. We show that the box…
Computational Optimization and Applications
Wenbin Zhu, Zhixing Luo, Andrew Lim, Wee-Chong Oon
The box placement problem involves finding a location to place a rectangular box into a container given n rectangular boxes that have already been placed. It commonly arises as a subproblem in many algorithms for cutting stock problems as well as 2D/3D packing problems. We show that the box…
Computational Optimization and Applications
Li Xue, Zhixing Luo, Andrew Lim
In this paper, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm and a branch-and-price algorithm to solve the pickup and delivery problem with loading cost (PDPLC), which is a new problem derived from the classic pickup and delivery problem (PDP) by considering the loading cost in the objective function. Applications of the…
Li Xue, Zhixing Luo, Andrew Lim
In this paper, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm and a branch-and-price algorithm to solve the pickup and delivery problem with loading cost (PDPLC), which is a new problem derived from the classic pickup and delivery problem (PDP) by considering the loading cost in the objective function. Applications of the…
Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, Dezhi Zhang and Andrew Lim
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) with stochastic demands and weight-related cost is an extension of the VRP. Although some researchers have studied the VRP with either stochastic demands or weight-related cost, the literature on this problem is quite limited. We adopt the a priori optimization to tackle this problem…
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Zhixing Luo, Hu Qin, Dezhi Zhang and Andrew Lim
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) with stochastic demands and weight-related cost is an extension of the VRP. Although some researchers have studied the VRP with either stochastic demands or weight-related cost, the literature on this problem is quite limited. We adopt the a priori optimization to tackle this problem…
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review