Liu JingrenStudent Logistics, Supply Chain Analysis, Operations And Marketing Interface, Business Analytics, Envelope Globe
Anas AbdelhakmiStudent Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Robust Decision-Making and Learning Envelope Globe
Wei ZhaoxuanStudent Optimization, Stochastic Modeling, Risk Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Envelope Globe
Shu PengfengStudent Data-driven Analytics and Optimization, Transportation Planning and Supply Chain Operations Envelope Globe
Jiang GaozheStudent Financial technology, Operations research and machine learning in financial engineering Envelope Globe
Luanxi MaoStudent Optimization, Revenue Management and Pricing, Supply Chain Management Envelope Globe
Wang RuiqinStudent Revenue Management, Risk Analytics, Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization Envelope Globe
Zhu YufeiStudent Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Optimization, Supply Chain Management Envelope Globe