SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory

Hosted by the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics

SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory

Hosted by the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics

About Us

NUS, Singapore’s flagship university, and SIA, Singapore’s flagship carrier, jointly established a 5-year SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory to create and commercialise innovative technologies that could accelerate the digital transformation of Singapore’s aviation sector and redefine the air travel experience. The SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory is jointly set up by SIA and NUS, supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF).

The Corporate Laboratory is the result of a robust partnership between NUS and SIA. The Airline launched its Digital Innovation Blueprint in 2018 to establish itself as a digital aviation and travel experience leader. This was followed by the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between NUS and SIA, with the University as the Airline’s knowledge partner. 

The Corporate Laboratory is helmed by Professor Teo Chung Piaw, Executive Director of the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics of NUS (IORA), and Mr Chan Mun Chung, Senior Manager at SIA’s Digital Innovation Lab, who are the co-Directors of the Corporate Laboratory.

Research and Work Packages

Featuring state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, such as a cabin simulator and a cockpit simulator with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, the Corporate Laboratory will leverage NUS’ wide and deep research expertise across its faculties and research institutes to embark on research activities in the following areas:

Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing

Work Package 1

Developing better techniques by using data-driven methods in demand-modelling, fare pricing and seat allocation to enhance operational efficiencies.

Research undertaken by IORA and NUS Business School
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Transforming Competency and Skill Development

Work Package 2

Developing intelligent and quantified pilot and cabin crew training methods, leveraging eye tracking, AR and VR, as well as post-flight feedback technologies to encourage employees to embrace continuous learning through training.

Research undertaken by NUS Business School and School of Computing
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Employee Wellness

Work Package 3

Developing intelligent fatigue and alertness models using wearables to improve and enhance safety, performance, and productivity.

Research undertaken by School of Computing and Duke-NUS Medical School (Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory)
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Passenger Comfort, Sleep and Cabin Services

Work Package 4

Developing real environment cabin simulators to enhance customers’ comfort, sleep qualities, as well as developing specifications of new product and service protocols for enhanced and unparalleled customer service.

Research undertaken by College of Design and Engineering, Duke-NUS Medical School (Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory) and Institute for Health Innovation and Technology
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Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing

Work Package 1

Developing better techniques by using data-driven methods in demand-modelling, fare pricing and seat allocation to enhance operational efficiencies.

Research undertaken by IORA and NUS Business School
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Transforming Competency and Skill Development

Work Package 2

Developing intelligent and quantified pilot and cabin crew training methods, leveraging eye tracking, AR and VR, as well as post-flight feedback technologies to encourage employees to embrace continuous learning through training.

Research undertaken by NUS Business School and School of Computing
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Employee Wellness

Work Package 3

Developing intelligent fatigue and alertness models using wearables to improve and enhance safety, performance, and productivity.

Research undertaken by School of Computing and Duke-NUS Medical School (Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory)
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Passenger Comfort, Sleep and Cabin Services

Work Package 4

Developing real environment cabin simulators to enhance customers’ comfort, sleep qualities, as well as developing specifications of new product and service protocols for enhanced and unparalleled customer service.

Research undertaken by College of Design and Engineering, Duke-NUS Medical School (Chronobiology and Sleep Laboratory) and Institute for Health Innovation and Technology
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You may like to find out more about the Corporate Lab here:

SIA-NUS Official Corporate Lab Launch

10 January 2022

The SIA-NUS Digital Aviation Corporate Laboratory was officially launched by Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies and Chairman of the National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF).

Click here to read more.