Faculty Members

Cheung Wang Chi

Assistant Professor

Industrial Systems Engineering and Management
Online and data-driven optimization, Revenue management, Resource allocations in supply chains

Chen Zhi

Assistant Professor

Analytics & Operations
New Product Development, Innovation Sourcing, Economics of AI, Wisdom of Crowds

Teo Chung Piaw

Provost’s Chair

Department of Analytics and Operations, NUS Business School
Optimisation Under Uncertainty, Discrete Choice, Social Choice, Inventory Theory, Supply Chain Management, Combinatorial Optimisation,
Operations Research.

Napat Rujeerapaiboon

Assistant Professor

Industrial Systems Engineering and Management
Robust and distributionally robust optimization, Data-driven optimization, Risk analytics

Xiong Peng

Lecturer (Educator Track)

Analytics & Operations
Data-driven decision-making, Optimization under uncertainty.

Michael Choi

Assistant Professor

Statistics and Data Science
His research interests centre around stochastic processes and their broad applications and intersections with other fields such as data science, with a particular focus on Markov chains theory and stochastic algorithms driven by Markov chains

Zhou Chao

Assistant Professor

Second order backward stochastic differential equations (2BSDEs), Stochastic control in finance and insurance, Valuation adjustments, Principal-Agent problems, Data analytics and information acquisition, Deep learning methods

Pang James

Associate Professor (Practice Track)
Co-Director, NUS Business Analytics Centre

Analytics & Operations
Supply Chain Analytics And Operations Management, Healthcare Analytics, Manufacturing System Planning And Scheduling, Big Data Analytics, Software System Architecture

Toh Kim Chuan

Leo Tan Professor in Science

Matrix Optimization Problems: algorithms, applications, and theory. In particular, large scale semidefinite programming. Fast algorithms for large scale statistical and machine learning problems. Iterative methods for large linear systems of equations, especially those arising in optimization.

Goh Joel

Associate Professor and Dean's Chair

Analytics & Operations
Healthcare analytics, Healthcare operations, Inventory and supply chain management, Platform economics, Operations research

Chou Mabel

Associate Professor

Analytics & Operations
Inventory And Warehouse Management, Logistics And Supply Chain Analysis, Operations And Marketing Interface, Operations Research, Applications In Health Care Operations / manufacturing, Flexibility Design And Analysis, Optimisation With Uncertainty, Production Scheduling

Xu Yunbei

Assistant Professor

Industrial Systems Engineering and Management
Machine Learning, Operations Research, Statistical Physics

Tan Yan Fu Vincent

Associate Professor (Dean’s Chair)

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics
Information Theory, Machine Learning, Statistical Signal Processing

Chen Ying

Associate Professor, Mathematics

Forecasting and Business Intelligence, Non-stationary Time Series Analysis, High Frequency Data and Limit Order Book, Functional Data Analysis and Network Analytics, Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis, Renewable Energy Data Analytics, Risk Management, Crypto Blockchain

Lim Andrew


Analytics & Operations, Finance
Stochastic control, Stochastic models, Robust decision making and learning, Decentralized optimization, Control of stochastic systems, Applications in financial engineering and Operations Research