Wang Quanmeng

Alumni, Research Fellow

Research Interests

Integer programming and its application

Research interest

  • Integer programming and its application


  • National University of Singapore – Aug. 2017 – Present
    Ph.D. Student, IORA
  • Nanyang Technological University – Aug. 2013 – May 2017
    B.S. Mathematical Science

Computer Skills

  • Programming Languages
    • C++ , R , Python , Julia
  • Software 
    • LaTex

Work experience

  • Panasonic R&D Center Singapore 2016
    • Research Summer Intern
    • Application of LSTM to machine translation.
  • Cargo Airport Project
    • Leader of IORA Team
    • Modelling design for the airport. Implementation of the system in Python.

Publications and working papers

  • Convex Reformulation of Unit Commitment Problems with Convex Production Cost
    • Wang Q. and Teo C.P.
    •  We provide a description of the bounded up and down times ramping polytope, and a convex hull formulation of epigraph of convex production cost over such a polytope.
  • Value of Solved TSP Instances
    • Wang Q., He L. and Zhang Z.
    • We study how does the solved TSP instances help to solve unseen instances.
  • Stands Assignment in Cargo Airport
    • Wang Q., Huang J., Li X., Huang Y., Huang Y. and Teo C.P.
    • A project with the leading fast delivery company in China on stand assignment problems inside a cargo airport.
  • Does Locker Network Improve Last Mile Delivery Efficiency?
    • Wang Q., Lyu G., He L. and Teo C.P.
    • A project under smart nation program with IMDA on how to design the locker network for the last mile delivery problem.
  • Dynamic Cross-Docking
    • Huang J., Wang Q., Li X., Huang Y. and Teo C.P.
    • A collaboration project with logistic consultancy on how to design an adaptive system for cross-docking operation.

Teaching experience

  • Teaching Assistant, Nanyang Technological University
    • MH1200 – Linear Algebra I                                                             2016
    • MH1301 – Discrete Mathematics                                                    2017
  • Teaching Assistant, National University of Singapore
    • DAO2702 – Programming for Business Analytics                           2018/2019
    • DBA3803/DSC3216 – Predictive Analytics in Business                    2018

Conference / Presentations

  • CSAMSE – 2019
    • Convex Reformulation of Unit Commitment Problems with Convex Production Cost
  • Informs Annual Meeting
    • Stands Assignment in Cargo Airport