Testimonial: XIAO Yangge

“Pursuing PhD at IORA”

Pursuing a PhD has long been my dream. Doing PhD at IORA is one of the most right things that I have done. The changing environment presents a lot of challenges, which are also opportunities for us to explore, in the area of optimization. Currently, I am doing mechanism design and interface of operations research and machine learning. It is amazing to implement the most popular technique—machine learning to solve operations research problem, especially in the big data era. There are still many unknown issues needs our endeavor. Pursuing PhD at IORA is fulfilling. Being here, I get a bunch of friends to chat, to talk about research ideas and to encourage each other. Beyond that, the weekly seminar consistently help refresh my knowledge base. Moreover, the faculty here are fantastic. They are always enthusiastic, approachable and helpful. Everytime when I got stuck, I can get input to help me improve myself