NUSRI@CQ community achievements

Mai Peihua, Year 2 PhD student, has a paper accepted by ICML 2023 (Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning), a top AI conference. Paper is titled “Vertical Federated Graph Neural Network for Recommender System”

Li Wenqian, Year 2 PhD student, has a paper accepted by ICLR 2023 (Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations), a top AI conference. Paper is titled “DAG Matters! GFlowNets Enhanced Explainer for Graph Neural Networks”

Yan Ran (Research Assistant joined NUSRI@CQ in Sept 2022), Peihua, and Wenqian form a team to joined the Data Scenario Application Innovation Contest ( held by Guiyang Big Data Exchange (贵阳大数据交易所,the first big data exchange in China) and also a major part of the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2023 (2023中国国际大数据产业博览会 After a round of fierce competition among 565 registered teams, the NUSRI@CQ team stand out and is shortlisted as the top 20 teams for the final demo and presentation in the data security track. The final demo and presentation will be held in early of May.

Congratulations Mai Peihua, Li Wenqian, Yan Ran !