We present a general framework for data-driven optimization called robustness optimization that favors solutions for which a risk-aware objective function would best attain an acceptable target even when the actual probability distribution would deviate from the empirical distribution. Unlike data-driven robust optimization approaches, the decision maker does not have to size the ambiguity set, but specifies an acceptable target, or loss of optimality compared to the baseline optimization model, as a trade off for the model’s ability to withstand greater uncertainty. We axiomatize the decision criterion associated with robustness optimization, termed as the fragility measure and present its representation theorem. We present practicable robustness optimization models including models with safegurarding constraints, adaptive and dynamic optimization models. Similar to robust optimization, we show that robustness optimization can also be done in a tractable way. We also provide numerical studies on adaptive problems and show that the solutions to the robustness optimization models are effective in alleviating the Optimizer’s Curse (Smith and Winkler 2006) and yielding superior out-of-sample performance compared the empirical optimization model and current data-driven robust optimization models. This is a joint work with Mingling Zhou and Zhuoyu Long.
Name of Speaker | Prof Melvyn Sim |
Schedule | Friday 5 March 2021 , 10am |
Link | https://nus-sg.zoom.us/j/84738208342?pwd=UTlkN3FqRTBRbFZ6dEJvcVpVYUlkdz09 |
ID | 847 3820 8342 |
Password | 008617 |
Title | The Dao of Robustness |
Abstract | We present a general framework for data-driven optimization called robustness optimization that favors solutions for which a risk-aware objective function would best attain an acceptable target even when the actual probability distribution would deviate from the empirical distribution. Unlike data-driven robust optimization approaches, the decision maker does not have to size the ambiguity set, but specifies an acceptable target, or loss of optimality compared to the baseline optimization model, as a trade off for the model’s ability to withstand greater uncertainty. We axiomatize the decision criterion associated with robustness optimization, termed as the fragility measure and present its representation theorem. We present practicable robustness optimization models including models with safegurarding constraints, adaptive and dynamic optimization models. Similar to robust optimization, we show that robustness optimization can also be done in a tractable way. We also provide numerical studies on adaptive problems and show that the solutions to the robustness optimization models are effective in alleviating the Optimizer’s Curse (Smith and Winkler 2006) and yielding superior out-of-sample performance compared the empirical optimization model and current data-driven robust optimization models. This is a joint work with Mingling Zhou and Zhuoyu Long. |
About the Speaker | Dr Melvyn Sim is a professor at the Department of Analytics and Operations, National University of Singapore. For the past twenty years, he has been working the the area of optimization and decision making under uncertainty.
Find out more about Prof Sim and Robust Optimization: https://youtu.be/eGXBd7KxjEY |