Application for

Next-Gen Scholar's Symposium 2024

The Institute of Operations Research and Analytics (IORA), in partnership with the Department of ISEM (College of Design and Engineering) and the Department of Analytics and Operations (NUS Business School), is set to host its inaugural Next-Gen Scholars Symposium as part of the Analytics for X conference on August 28-29, 2024, in Singapore.

This symposium, exclusive to PhD Students, aims to recognize outstanding scholars in Analytics, Operations Research (OR) and Operations Management (OM) who are nearing the completion of their PhD, typically within a year or two. Eligible applicants should have at least one completed working paper under review for publication and require a Nomination from their advisor for successful application.

The symposium will cover a broad spectrum of Analytics & OR/OM topics, encompassing both methodological advances and practical applications, with a particular focus on areas intersecting with Data-driven Decision-making, Machine Learning, and applications in fields such as Supply Chains, Healthcare, Service, Revenue Management, Operational Innovation and Sustainability.

All applications will undergo a thorough review process, and selected candidates will receive financial assistance (details in Annex) for travel and accommodation to present their works during the Analytics for X 2024 conference. Due to limited slots and tight deadlines, only fully completed applications (including a nomination letter from your advisor) will be considered for review.

If you wish to participate in this event, kindly complete the provided form in its entirety. Please note that submitting this form will send an email to your advisor requesting nomination. Please ask your advisor to check for and reply to the email directly, or they can send their nomination letter for your application to this email, mentioning your full name and email address.

Key dates for the Next-Generation Scholars Symposium are as follows:

  • Application Deadline (including Nomination): May 31, 2024 Extended Deadline June 7, 2024 Closed
  • Decision Announcement: June 16, 2024
  • Event Date: August 28-29, 2024



Participants must book the most direct,economy classflight to Singapore. The receipt of the airfare must bear the participant’s name. To verify that the airfare payment has been made by the participant, he/she is required to provide a copy of the original receipt and proof of payment (eg. extract of bank or credit card statement). Ground transfer to and back from airport are not included. 


Accommodation up to one day before to one day after the conference will be provided. Other expenses such as meals (including breakfasts), Wi-Fi, phone calls etc. are not supported.

Next-Gen Scholar Symposium vs Analytics for X:

Although both the events are held concurrently, the submission and review processes are separate. The Next-Gen Scholar Symposium is exclusive to PhD students, while Analytics for X is open to all. If your Next-Gen Scholar Symposium application is unsuccessful, you can still submit your work for consideration for Analytics for X when the submission portal opens.